أقدم لكم :
king kong
(فهرس الموضوع)
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روابط التحميل و الكراك
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تقرير عام عن اللعبة
معلومات عن اللعبة :
المطور: Ubisoft
الناشر: Ubisoft
النوع: Modern Action Adventure
موعد صدور اللعبة: Nov 21, 2005 (more)
عدد اللاعبين: TEEN
الأجهزة التى تعمل عليها اللعبة : pc-xbox 360-ps2- Mobile
Number of Players: 1 Player
DirectX Version: v9.0c
Technical Support
قصة اللعبة
ياتي طاقم من نيويويوك الى غابة و هي يوجد فيها kin kong وتبد اء القصة م ع بيتر و king kong
فتبداء المغامرات و يقتل king kong الدينصورات و يذهب اخر شيء الى مدينة نيويورك
فتعج الفوضة في المدينة
الجرافيك :8/10
الصوت : 8/10
الحركة : 8/10
التقييم النهائي : 8/10
تقرير بانجليزي
King Kong is an old story first told in movie form in 1933, so if I spoil any plot points you'll have to forgive the fact that the script is 72 years old. Risk-taking director Carl Denham takes an American crew from the relatively safe streets of the US to the uncharted Skull Island, a land that time and evolution have forgotten. Inhabited by giant dinosaur-like creatures -- Jackson calls the T-Rex a "V-Rex" -- and ruled by a giant and wildly powerful gorilla, Skull Island is where the crew crash lands and must explore to escape. Denham (played by the spirited Jack Black), Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts), Hayes (Evan Parke), and Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) all play a large part in the movie and game. Primarily a first-person shooter played as Jack (approximately 75% of the game) with the third-person perspective as Kong (the other 25%), you'll hunt dinosaurs, solve physical puzzles based on fire and teamwork, and wrestle with dinosaurs (as Kong) in this surprisingly short six- to seven-hour romp.
Kong follows the movie as you progress through the game through very narrow paths in a very linear fashion. Ancel's narrative generally hits major plot points from the film, but skips a lot while expanding in other areas. The result is a game that's loosely tied together with Indiana Jones-style animated maps, and it works only partially well. It doesn't capture the story with much verve, but Ancel makes up for that by delivering an unbelievably emotionally-packed videogame.
When I first saw King Kong the game before E3, I was excited because it looked to take movie-based games to the next level of production and presentation. But I was worried about its first-person perspective. Ancel isn't known for his first-person shooters, and this particular field is crammed with experienced contenders. Much to my surprise, the first-person component is easily the best part of the game. This is partially due to the level design, control, and AI, but it's equally the result of an outstanding use of sound. The controls are simple yet intelligent, and the sense of vulnerability you feel in the shadow of such giant creatures is successfully executed.
موقع اللعبة الرسمي
http://www.kingkonggame.com/متطلبات التشغيلكرت شاشة 64
رام 256
ويندوز 0xp .98 . me . 200
بنتيوم 4
مساحة 2 gb
الروابط شغالين 100%
ويدعمون الاستكمال و الروابط سريعة جدا
http://games.load.t-online.de/toigamesload/king-kong.exehttp://games.load.t-online.de/toigamesload/king-kong.r00http://games.load.t-online.de/toigamesload/king-kong.r01الكراك شغال 100%
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تشغيل اللعبة
نرجوا أن يكون الموضوع نال رضاكم..
ولا تنسوا التقييم والردود..
ولكم منا جزيل الشكر والتقدير والأحترام..
نرجوا عدم نقل الموضوع الا بذكر المصدر ..
وانا جاهز لاي مشكلة في اللعبة..
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